Nagrik Seva Samithi

Nagrik Seva Samithi is Social Organisation and Trust which is helping needy people towards education, service orientation, help getting employment with Nagrik Seva Samithi Contacts and recommendation letter, awarding numero uno in their respective pursuit for caring, fairing, dedication and elevation of their allotted position cum post, jobs and responsibilities, providing foods, medicine and arranging socialisation for health awareness, blood donation on Samaritan gestures.

Our Organisation focuses on livelihood services, child education, human awareness for family, society, state, country and the world, deprived young boy's and girl's training and self emplyment, skill development and other community services.

At Nagrik Seva Samithi we strive to mobilize our manpower and resources in the relevant appropriate ways so as to make effective and positive changes in the society under the guidance of our president Shri R. K. Sharma.